What To Do When You're Feeling Lost

Jan 25, 2017


What do you do when you're feeling a little bit lost? You know, those times in your life where you're unsure what the next step is.and where you're going, often accompanied by feelings of emptiness and anxiety.

Well I have 5 ideas here, that I've used in my life, to help you move through and past those feelings of being lost.

1.) Don't Beat Up On Yourself

Recognize that these moments in your life are just a natural part of the ebb and flow of your life, and that everyone goes through them.

Often, they are moments of awakening and break throughs that brings you some clarity on where you want to go next with your life.

We have a bad habit of beating up on ourselves in life, when things aren't going as planned. But just be ok on where you are and accept these times in your life as temporary period of transition and growth.

2.) Go Within

Get into a quiet meditative state, and get out of your head and into your heart space.

When you can lower the volume in your head on the negative thoughts and self-talk, and tap into the energy of your heart, and as you listen, the answers will begin to surface.

All the answers to the questions you have for your life, you'll discover, reside within.

Listen to the intuitive voice that is always whispering the answers to you.

3.) Take Inspired Action 

 The next logical step, is to take the inspired action that comes from going within.

Action, particularly action that moves you toward your goals, gets the energy and vitality within you moving again.

It's amazing, but often just by moving, you start feeling better about yourself and your life again, and you begin to move out of the funk that you were in.

4.) Get Social

Get the high energy going again by getting out with some positive people (friends, family, co-workers or whatever works for you). Stay away from the complainers and negative people.

Get out there and just have some fun again. Have some laughs and just engage in some light, uplifting positive conversations.

I find this so helpful in helping people to really change their moods, and eventually, their state of being. You'll find yourself getting back to feeling like you again.

5.) Trust

Just trust in yourself, who you are, and your capabilities. 

You've been through stuff before; you're strong and resilient, and you'll get through this as well. You'll come out the other end, as a better person.

And also, trust in the Universe. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but the Universe is on your side.Just relax, and you'll begin to see the signs it is sending you to help you on your journey.

Trust the process. The more you trust, the more you'll see the signals to trust in your life.

So next time you're feeling a little lost, remember: go easy on yourself; relax and go within to find some answers; take the inspired action; get around a network of uplifting, inspiring people; and trust, in yourself, in the Universe and in the process.

You'll soon find yourself on the other side of being lost.

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