What Is Your Purpose? Let's Clear Up Some Myths

Feb 06, 2017


What is my purpose in life? I'm sure that's a question you've asked yourself many times in your life.

So, what are you here to do? What are you here to accomplish? Have you found your purpose, are you living it, or perhaps you think you've already missed your opportunity?

There are so many misconceptions around this topic, that I'd like to bring in some clarity and relief for you with these 5 ideas.

1.) You Don't Find Your Purpose, You Create It.

Your purpose in life isn't about something being hidden from you, and that your job here is to go out and find it, like some easter egg hunt.

You are here to create your purpose, from your passions, your desires and things that you want to do with your life.

A joyous and fulfilling life comes from creating your purpose, not from a desperate hunt to find it. 

2.) It's Not A One Time Thing

You're not here to just do one thing with your life. You're here to continually create new experiences for your life.

Your purpose continues to evolve and expand as you continue to evolve and expand.

Do you think your purpose is different then it was, 5, 10 or even 25 years ago? 

Of course it is, because your purpose has morphed and chnaged as you continue to morph and change into a better version of you.

3.) It's Not What Others Tell You It Is.

So many people live their lives based on what others have told them they should be doing with their lives. That they should go down this path in life, because perhaps it's part of a family tradition or perhaps 'that's where the money is.'

But you should never live your lives based on what others think or tell you to do.

Ask for advice from others, interview them and search out the world for information that will help guide you toward what you want to do.

But ultmately you choose based upon what resonates from within.

4.) What Inspires You?

That is how you truly find your purpose. What are the ideas and things that come from within, that excite you, interests you and really gets your juices flowing.

Explore life, take courses, travel, talk to others in your desired field - experience life and find out what resonates with you.

And don't forget: this is your Now purpose. It might sustain you for 20 years, or it could change in a few months. As you change, so will your purpose.

5.) Your Ultimate Purpose Is Joy

Joy is the foundation of why you do anything. So make sure that whatever you choose as your purpose, it brings you an immense amount of joy.

Your life is supposed to be a joyful journey. So even if you're in a place now, that you may want to change, find some joy where you are, and make some plans for a few months down the road for something that does feel more on purpose and joyful.

So remember, your purpose is always evolving and moving forward as you are evolving and moving forward.

So relax, no search is needed. Just go within, and create your purpose and the life you've always wanted.

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