How To Slow Down Negative Self-Talk

Jan 16, 2017


So, how can we slow down all of this negative self-talk that we constantly engage in with ourselves every day?

Thoughts that go something like, 'I'm not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, capable enough, worthy enough or loveable enough,' that inevitably steal away the joy and confidence in our lives.

There is a solution, and I have 5 ideas that together, I believe will really with help you with this mini-monster..

1.) Understanding

The first thing we have to do is understand what these thoughts really are and where they come from.

These thoughts stem from programmed and conditioned beliefs about ourselves, that we've picked up and practiced about ourselves all of our lives.

They are not natural, and they are not who we really are. We weren't born thinking these thoughts. We've adopted them from our environment; our upbringing, our culture and from society in general, that practices limitation, unworthiness and separation.

They are simply lies about ourselves, who we really are, and about our power and worthiness to create our own lives.

2.) You Have Control Of Your Thoughts

Once you understand where these thoughts come from, you then have to begin to realize that you have control of your own thoughts.

Sometimes our thoughts feel like they are on automatic pilot, or that our thoughts are thinking for you; that you can't think anything outside of these negative thoughts.

But we have to realize that in every moment of our lives, we've been gifted the freedom of choosing the thoughts that we think.

We just have to learn how to get to that place and build the positive momentum from there.

 3.) Slow Down The Train

Before we begin introducing some new thoughts, it's often wise to slow down the momentum train of our negative self-talk first.

And the absolute best way of doing this is through meditation.

There is nothing more powerful than meditation for slowing down the momentum of negative thoughts, because one of the great benefits of meditation, is quieting the mind and slowing down thinking in general.

The best times to do this are first thing in the morning and in the evening before you go to bed. Put aside 10-15 minute periods each day for this. 

You will find that over the course of your days, the negative self-talk will diminish, and you will find yourself more centered, peaceful and clear minded throughout your day.

4.) Awareness

You can't change something that you're not aware of. So we have to set up cues or triggers throughout your day (perhaps using the alarm on your phone), to check in with yourself to see where your thoughts are.

Stop and ask yourself three or four times a day, 'what was I just thinking about right now, and was that thought empowering and moving me forward in my life, or negative and diminishing me; was it moving me toward or away from my goals?'

This will help you get back on track if your negative self-talk is playing too big a role in your day.

5.) Introduce Positive Self-Talk

In any moment of your day, once you become aware of your negative self-talk, turn it around; do a complete 180, by introducing the positive aspect of that thought.

For example, if you say to yourself, 'I'm not smart enough to figure this out,' say to yourself instead, 'I'm an intelligent person, I've figured things out before, and I'll figure this out too; I'm strong and capable, I'm good.'

As you practice this every day, you'll begin to slowly see things shift within yourself and in your life. You'll become more confident and assured about yourself, and you'll start to see more positive experiences show up in your life.

The most accomplished people in the world, the ones who are being themselves and living their truth every day, do this on a consistent basis and train their minds away from negative self-talk.

If you put these ideas into play on a consistent basis, and make it a practiced habit, you're going to see in the weeks and months ahead, more ease and flow in your life, as the momentum of your negative self-talk diminishes. 

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