How to Reignite the Belief in Yourself

Nov 05, 2016


How do you restart and reignite your belief in yourself again? When your energy and confidence is low, and you find yourself questioning yourself and where you're going with your life, how do you rekindle that spark, and get yourself going again?

Here are 5 ideas and steps that I've used to regain that belief in myself.

1.) Change the Self-talk

We are always having a conversation with ourselves in our own head, and so often it's negative. The conversation will often go something like this: I'm not good enough, I won't be able to handle this; I'm not strong enough, smart enough or even worthy enough.

But what we have to realize is, that these are just untruths that we keep telling ourselves about ourselves that have no seeds of truth in them.

We have to start raising the level of positive self-talk in our lives, and lower the volume on the negative self-talk. Words and phrases like, 'you're good, you can handle this, you're smart, capable and caring, you have a good heart,' have to become the normal conversations we have with ourselves.

We have to realize, that the reason we loose our belief in ourselves, has nothing to do with the outside circumstances in our lives, but with the conversations we're having with ourselves.

2.) Acknowledge (and feel) Your Accomplishments

We've accomplished a lot in our lives, but so often we don't focus on our wins and infuse them into our personality. If we have 9 things that we've done well in our lives, and 1 that didn't go so well, we'll put our focus on that one alone.

That has to change.

So at night, before you go to bed, find that quiet space, grab a journal, and start writing out those accomplishments. Read them over to yourself daily, and really sense and feel the wins in your life.

You'll soon discover and feel your confidence and belief in yourself growing again.

3.) Move - Restart your Momentum

The simple act of moving gets your energy back in motion, and helps to restart the positive momentum in your life again.

Because it's often when we stop moving toward the things that matter to us (because of distraction or an obstacle that's appeared), that negative momentum about ourselves begins.

Ideally, you would like to begin moving again in the direction of your goals, by focusing on what the next first step will be, and building from there.

But moving can sometimes mean, just going for a walk, or a workout, or whatever works for you.

Because feeling good in one area of your life, can often ignite positive feelings in other areas of your life. So get moving!

4.) Surround Yourself with Like-minded people

When you share ideas about yourself, your goals and dreams and what inspires you, with other like-minded people, it creates a contagious energy amongst yourselves, that breeds confidence and a growing belief in yourself again.

That's why it's so important to get around like-minded people, who understand you, and who will support you and raise you up.

We all need this type of social support to help us reconnect with ourselves. It's in this reconnection that we often re-discover our feelings of self-worth and helps reignite our belief in ourselves again.

5.) Self-Love

There's nothing more important in our lives, then loving ourselves. Because it's by loving ourselves first, that we allow ourselves to live our lives from the very best part of ourselves; and when we do this, our belief in ourselves comes naturally and effortlessly.

It's also where our love toward others begins, because you can't really love others unless you start from loving yourself first.

And even if you find it difficult to love yourself from where you are, just start loving.

Begin loving and appreciating the people and things in your life, from your family and friends, your pets, the bed you sleep on and the country you live in; just start loving.

Because love is love. So when you start loving, that love creates a vibration within yourself of love, where you'll find it easier and natural to love yourself.

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