How to Move On From a Mistake

Nov 30, 2016


We all make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life, they're how we grow. But so often when we make a mistake, we stay anchored down in the mistake, and we don't move forward.

We either allow the mistake to be an excuse to give up, or we allow it to affect our future by carrying the negative feelings from the mistake forward with us.

So how do we move forward from a mistake? Well I have 3 ideas I'd like to share with you today.

1.) Feel the Negative Emotions, But then Reframe to the Positive.

It's ok, and even natural, to feel the anger, the disappointment and the anxiety that comes from making a mistake. It's ok to be pissed off and scream to the heavens!

Just don't stay there and allow the negative emotion to linger for days, weeks and even months.

Use the negative emotion as leverage to ask, 'What positive thing will I take from this mistake and how will I use it moving forward?'

Take the opportunity to see the mistake or obstacle for what it is: a chance to learn, get clear on your goal or what you want, and to discover the new opportunity to be gained from this mistake.

The most successful people in the world know this. They are out there making many mistakes in their lives all the time, because they know this truth: that if you're not making mistakes, you're not in the game, and you're just watching from the sidelines.

When you start training yourself to look for the positive aspects in your mistakes, your life changes.

2.) Forgive Yourself

So you made a mistake! Don't make it a big deal.

Live from this adage: That in every moment of your life, you're doing the best you can from your own level of awareness.

So when you made that mistake, you were just doing the best you knew from where you were on your journey in life. Don't continue to beat up on yourself because of it.

Let it go and realize, that you made the best decision you could from the resources, knowledge and insight that you had at that moment.

When you live from this space, forgiveness becomes easy, and really a moot point.

3.) Move Forward 

So often, we anchor down in the negative feeling of the mistake and we don't take the necessary action steps to move forward. 

Don't linger in the negative energy you're feeling about the mistake for weeks, months or for some people, years on end. It traps you in the past and nothing positive will come from that.

Move forward into the new energies of growth and expansion, and the excitement that comes with that, and leave the old energies behind. Don't allow the mistake to be a negative calling card in your life.

Put your attention on the new opportunities that are available right in front of you, and carry on with a re-newed focus and intention of the possibilities that lie ahead.

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