How To Make It Your Best Year Ever!

Jan 04, 2017

So, how can you make this the best year ever for yourself? How can you bring the best part of you into the new year?

So often, we don't sustain our New Years resolutions (if we make them at all), and we'll often fall back into the same old frustrating habits and routines.

So how can you make this year different and move forward with positive momentum? Well I have 5 ideas to help you with that today.

1.) Journal Out Your Life

In the next week, put aside a minimum of 4 hours (a half a day) of quiet, undisturbed time, grab a journal, and with great focus and intention, begin writing about yourself and your life.

 Who do you really want to be in your life? How do you want to show up everyday? What do you really want in your life and where do you want to go?

This exercise will help you identify with great clairty, the things about yourself and in your life, that you might want to change and improve upon. It will help you rediscover the values that are important in your life, and where you want to go with your life.

Now, four hours might seem like a lot of time, but how often have you really taken the time to really sit down and look at your life? Most people don't, and it's the reason that they don't change and they live the same uninspiring life year after year.

if you reall want to have the inner fulfillment and success that you crave so much for your life, than you need to put aside some time to get more clarity about your life.

Because with clarity, comes a sense of freedom and empowerment and, yes, an ease and flow to your life. 

2.) Create A Purpose Statement

A purpose statemet is a declaration about the things that you value and that are important in your life. It's about, how do you want to be in your life every day, and what do you want your life to look like every day? It proclaims what level of impact you want to have in your days.

And don't worry about trying to get your purpose statement 'right', because your purpose statement will always change, because you are always changing.

Your purpose statement will help bring you more clarity and yes purpose in your life, by reminding you on a regular basis, about how you want to show up and what is important to you.

Revisit it often, but at least once a month. It will help you refocus, and maintain the momentum you have going in your life.

3.) Eliminate One Major Distraction

Find one area of your life, that is distracting you and taking you away from the more important things in your life, and eliminate it.

If it's too much television, or too much senseless browsing on the internet, or too much gossiping or complaining about your woes, whatever it is for you that is bleeding the positive energy from your life, get rid of it.

Just by doing this one thing, you will create some empty space in your life to fill with things that are important to you and that are more in line with your purpose in life.

It will help build more momentum toward who you really are and what you really want for your life.

4.) Do 3 Things Every Day

Do 3 things every day that move you toward your goals.

These can be very simple things, like sending an email, or making a phone call, or writing that blog, or learning how to use or do something, that grows you and moves you in the direction of your dreams and goals.

It's in the consistency of the small steps in your life's journey, that builds and sustains the momentum that you're looking for. A greater sense of confidence and fulfillment will be your reward.

5.) Bring Unconditional Joy

Don't wait for something to happen in your life, to experience joy in your life.

Bring the heart-felt emotions of love and joy to the many moments of your days, as often as you can, no matter what's going on in your life.

Don't make your joy conditional or reactionary to what's happenning in your environment or in society in general. 

Feel the joy, the appreciation, the sense of being blessed for just being you, and for the life you are living. When you do this, you'll discover more joyful moments and expereiences begin to show up in your life.

And I know this can be difficult, because we live in a conditional world that's often filled with chaos and negativity.

But with focus and attention and practice, you can experience more moments of unconditional joy, and living in a more peaceful appreciative state.

This really can be the best year of your life, but you have to start implementing some new strategies now. Putting these 5 ideas into play can really be the start of something great for you.

The more you do this and prcatice this,  


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