How to Make a Big Decision

Nov 23, 2016


Big change requires making big decisions. And those big decisions can impact every area of your life. So where to begin when looking to make those big decisions?

Well I have 3 big ideas to help you with that.

1.) Make your decisions from a centered and calm state.

Sound pretty basic right? That in those moments in your life, where a big change is happenning and you need to make a big decision, that you have to get quiet and still inside, and slow down that endless brain chatter that seems to consume our daily waking lives.

But so many people make these important decisions from a state of stress, anxiety and overwhelm, where they are just not capable of make a good decision.

Clear, concise, logical decisions cannot be made when our bodies are pumping out strss hormones, and are brains are in a high beta wavelength state. For when we are in this state, we are not able to access the regions of our brain necessary to make these important decisions.

We simply have a harder time accessing that intuitive part of ourselves that connects us with the information we're looking for.

But when you get centered, calm, and you quiet the mind, which lowers the brain wave activity to where you do have access to these higher parts of your brain, you're in a better position to make better decisions.

That's why daily practices like meditation, yoga, or tai chi are so important. They help bring you into a more aligned, heart-centered space, that quiets the internal dialogue, and helps bring greater clarity to your decision making process.

Find a practice that works for you, and incorporate it into your daily routine. 

And before you make your next big decision, ask yoursef, where am I mentally, emotionally and physically? Find your calm center, and decide from there.

2.) Just Decide

So often when a big decision is required, many people put it off, waiting for the right place, the right time or the right moment. 

Usually, this is just an exercise in procrastination, that derails the whole decion making process.

Because there is no weaker state to be in then in a state of indecision, the proverbial 'sitting on the fence.' It can paralyze you and keep you from the change in your life that you just know you want.

So be decisive and make that decision. There's this quiet feeling of self-empowerment that ensues. You feel more confident and assured, that you will be able to handle the change, just by deciding.

It also sends a strong signal to the Universe that you're moving forward. People, circumstances and events start lining up for you, and start reflecting back to you the decision you've just made. 

3.) Embrace that Decision

Once you've made that decision, put all of your energy and focus into that decision; align with it.

Begin writing down all of the positive aspects of your new decision, and read them to yourself daily.

Stop looking back and questioning whether it was the right decision or not. Talking about it in this way only stalls your forward momentum.

Don't go half-in; play full out. Enthusiastically move forward with confidence and high expectation.

And remember, this won't be your last decision, so relax. Enjoy the journey, because more big decision are on the way; that's just what they call, life! 

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