How To Deal With Loneliness

Dec 15, 2016


The subject of loneliness can be a very sensitive topic, as it's something that a lot of people struggle with, particularly this time of year. It's that empty feeling that comes from missing someone, or wishing someone was there.

So how do we deal with these feelings of loneliness, get passed them, and lift ourselves up from there?

Well I have 5 ideas here that I think will help you.

1.) Accept and Ask

First accept that you're feeling these negative emotions, and that you're feeling a bit down. The worst thing you can do is to bury any negative emotion inside of you.

Be ok with feeling the feelings that you have, but then ask yourself these two questions:

What else are these feelings trying to say to me? What you'll find by asking this question is that often there are other things going on in your life that need your attention.

When I've done this in my own life, I've discovered that I needed to put more focus on what I really wanted in my life, and the direction it was headed.

The second question to ask is, if I could feel something good about my life right now, what would that be? Find something positive about your life now, or in the past, that made you feel good.

Just by focusing on something positive and good about yourself and your life, you begin creating a little momentum in the direction of pulling you out of your funk.

2.) Reach Out To Somebody

There's usually someone in your life, family or friend, that you can reach out to when you're experiencing these feelings of loneliness.

But often we feel embarrassed or less than, when we're feeling alone and lonely, so we pull back and don't reach out. But those are just false ideas that you've created about the way things are.

There are people in your life who want to help and be there for you. Allow them the opportunity.

3.) Reach Out For Somebody 

Recognize that there are other people out there experiencing loneliness too. 

Whether it's going to a hospital, retirement home, a food bank or maybe it's someone you know, you can be a source of hope and inspiration for someone else.

And know that this not only helps them, it lifts you up and you start feeling better about yourself too.

4.) Do Something Good For You

You should always do this, but this time of year, magnify it.

Pamper yourself. Do something for yourself, that you really enjoy doing or experiencing. It helps take the focus off of the negative feelings of loneliness, and lifts you into a more positive state.

A little self-love and care can go a long way.

5.) Know You're Never Alone

On a larger scale, I think we all know and sense that we are part of something bigger and more expansive.

Spirituality and now science, are both telling us, that on a deeper level, we are all connected and that we are all one.

But to really feel and experience this yourself, at night, get into a quiet meditative-like space, where you feel centered and peaceful inside. As you get into your heart space and let go of your thoughts, you will begin to sense that there's something more to yourself and the Universe.

It takes some practice, but you will soon sense and discover that you are not alone, that things are good, and that these feelings of loneliness will too pass, 

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