How to Deal with Change in Your Life.

Nov 14, 2016


Change as we know, is an inevitable part of our lives. Wanted or unwanted, we've all experienced change numerous times in our lives. 

So how do we deal with those big moments in our lives where change is knocking at the door?

Well I have 4 big ideas on how to help you deal with change in your life:

1.) Embrace Change

Most people approach change in their lives as being really difficult, and hard, and often unwanted or feared. The reason for this, is that change takes them out of their comfort zone and away from their predictable life.

But in order to deal with change effectively and to reduce the anxiety associated with change, we have to embrace and welcome change into our lives.

You have to change your mindset to one that says that change is good, and it is part of your growth and expansion, and it will result in you being a better person for it. That even though it might be a little challenging now, that down the road this change will be beneficial to you.

Because so often when we look back in our lives, we see that the moments in time where there was big change in our lives, is where the most growth and transformation occured in our lives.

2.) Bring Trust to Change

Most people don't embrace change because they don't trust that something good will come from it, or they don't trust in themselves and their ability to carry out the change.

The facts are, you've been through stuff, you've made it through, and you'll make it through again. 

You also have to trust in a benevolent Universe that will support you and see you through your change.

3.) Look Forward, not Back

So many people anchor themselves down in their lives when change knocks at their door, unwilling to look ahead.

But change is about the future and looking ahead. The more you focus and hold on to the past, the more difficult change will be in your life.

For you to smoothly transition through change in your life, you have to look forward and ahead with joy, enthusiasm and positive expectation of what's to come.

Where you put your focus is where your energy is. Keep looking forward.

4.) Lighten Up

We have to stop taking life so seriously. Our lives are supposed to be a joyful, exciting beautiful journey.

Are there unpleasant things going on out there? Sure. But we have to stop looking at reality to determine how we will show up each day, and how much joy and fun we will bring to our lives.

We determine the amount of joy, passion and enthusiasm that shows up in our lives.

So lighten up, go easy about things and the changing times in your life. Don't allow the small things that inevitably crop up, steal your mood. Simply use any obstacle that shows up in your life as a trigger, to redirect you back to your joy.

And what you'll soon find, is that the lighter and easier you approach change in your life, the smoother and easier the change will be in your life.


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