How To Be Happier Today

Dec 08, 2016


How do you bring more happiness in your life today? We all want more happiness in our lives, and we want it now, not tomorrow or a few months down the road.

We want that new car, that new relationship, that new promotion or career opportunity, because we want to feel happier in our lives and about our lives.

And we also know that there is always other stuff going on in our lives that can be challenging and that can often steal away the amount of joy and happiness we are experiencing in our lives.

So how than can we balance all of this and have more happiness in our lives today? 

Well I have 4 ideas on this topic.

1.) Just Decide To Be Happier

Realize that happiness is a choice, and it's a feeling you can generate at any moment, regardless of what's going on in your life. It's not about waiting for something to happen in your life to be happy.

Because if you just wait for these special moments in your life to be happy, you're cheating yourself out of the joyful life you were meant to live.

And the real magic that occurs when you decide to be happy now in the many 'present moments' of your life, is that you'll find more things that bring you happiness are actually drawn into your life.

So test this out for yourself. Take a few days to really focus and practice on being joyful and happy throughout the day, regardless of what's going on, and watch what happens!

You'll discover more people, things and occassions to be happy about start showing up in your life. It's just how things work.

2.) Start Appreciating More In Your Life

 Appreciation cultivates a positive and happy mindset because it allows you to notice the blessings in your life. 

Make appreciation a daily habit. The best time to set this up in your day is first thing in the morning, because how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Have you ever noticed that when you start your day complaining and worrying, you sort of carry that negative tone into your day? 

But when you start your day being positive and appreciative, you'll find that you'll ride that momentum throughout your day. 

Put aside 5 minutes every morning, grab a journal, and write out 10 things in your life to be appreciative about. It can be as simple as the bed you just slept in, to a relationship in your life.

Make sure not to treat this exercise as a chore to get done; really feel the appreciation for each item on your list.

3.) Find The Positive Aspects

At the end of each day, just before bed, journal out 5 positive aspects you see in any 3 areas of your life. And preferably focus on the things that happenned that day.

Positivity is a relative of happiness. Not only will you rest better at night, you'll wake up feeling more positive and optimistic about your day.

The more you condition your mind towards positivity, the happier you'll be.

4.) Create A Positive Environment

The things you watch, the people you associate with, the conversations you have, all influence your level of happiness.

It can be challenging at times to generate those feelings of happiness when your environment is leaning toward the negative.

Read, listen to and watch inspiring uplifting things. Associate with positive people, who support and encourage you, and do your best to reduce the negative influences in your life. 

Make a conscious choice every day to lower the negative energy and to raise the positive energy in your life. 

When you do this, you'll discover a happier and more peaceful person along the way.

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