How To Attract More Love Into Your Life

how to attract more love Feb 15, 2017


How do you attract more love into your life? Whether it's that special romantic relationship, or whether it's drawing more love from the relationships you already have in your life, we all crave more love for our lives.

Well I have 4 ideas to share with you today, that I believe will help you draw a greater abundance of love into your life.

1.) Develop More Self-Love.

If you don't have the love inside of you first, you don't have the love to share with others.

Many people ask me, Ron, how do I develop more self-love when I don't feel good about myself and where I am in my life?

I get that, I've been there. But I'm here to tell you, that this is just bogus, erroneous thinking we've picked up along our life's journey, that we've incorporated into our beliefs about ourselves.

We don't have to earn any worthiness or love, we've been gifted that, for that's who we really are. Don't feel you have to live up to the standards of others.

And to help you a little bit here, I'd like to share with you an exercise that will help you re-discover your feelings of love within you.

Find 2 or 3 quiet hours, preferably at night, take a pen and paper and draw a line down the middle. On the top left write the word, Accomplishments. Now go back over the last, 5, 10, 20 years of your life, whatever time period works for you, and begin writing out all of the things you've accomplished over that period of time.

From earning a degree, graduating from high school or college, raising your children, having a successful career or business, learning a new language ... any and every thing that you can think of.

 On the top right, write out, Things I love About Myself (and things I'm good at). This may be more challenging for some, but write out in a non-judgemental way, all of the things you like or love about yourself and what others love about you; your positive traits and things you're good at.

You're kind, caring, compassionate, thoughful, a good worker, a great parent, spouse etc ... and so on.

Now take the time to really go over and review both lists, and really integrate all of this positivity into your being. Most people don't ever take the time to do this, and thus they don't see how wonderful they really are.

A greater degree of appreciation and low for yourself will emerge.

2.) Love And Appreciate Your Life

Set up a daily habit to go through the things you love and appreciate about your life.

Whether it's the bed you slept in, the food you had for breakfast, or the conversation you had with a friend - it's often the small things in life that we take for granted that we need to show our appreciation for.

When we begin to put our focus there on a regular basis, we begin to change how we look at our life in general.

What you'll discover, is that over a short period of time, you'll be more appreciative and loving about what you have in your life.

3.) Look For Positive Aspects In Others

We often tend to be so critical of both ourselves and others. Instead, focus on, and openly express to people in your life, the positive aspects you see in them.

This again will begin to set up a pattern within yourself of how you see the world in general, as it seed more positivity and love within yourself.

4.) Do Things You Love

Do things in your life that you love to do and that you're passionate about.

Whether it's your career or work, your hobbies or things you love to do with family or friends; it's your life, so do things you love and with people you love to spend time with.

All of these things I've mentioned here, are all about building up and sustaining that feeling and vibration of love within you.

Because it's by building up the love inside, nurturing it and seeding it from within, that you'll have more love to give and share with others and the world.

And the more you give love, and the more you become that vibration of love, the more love, in all ways, you'll attract and draw into you. 

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